Classic Chocolate Milkshake

With all the blending I’ve been up to lately, I’ve decided I need a new blender.  Blendtec or Vitamix, that is the question.  Actually, the real question is whether or not I want to spend $400 to $600 on a blender!  Especially when I’m grilling on a 20 year-old Weber.  And, I could upgrade to a brand new one for only about $800. Just $200 more than the high end Vitamix.  
Who am I kidding.  I’m sure I won’t be able to bring myself to do anything drastic until something breaks down.

On to the milkshake.  I think it’s great when professional organizations do the copycat leg-work in their test kitchens.  Trying to figure out, or come close to figuring out, a secret recipe can be extremely expensive and time consuming.  Thanks to Food Network Magazine, I’ve acquired a new base recipe for a fantastically smooth, frosty, sweet, and creamy milkshake!  
I never would’ve had the brilliant thought to add more sugar in the form of flavored syrup (besides chocolate) or to use condensed milk.  In the past I always just combined whole milk, ice cream, and maybe a little Hershey’s syrup.  Now, my mind is burdened with the endless combinations of flavors that are creeping in.  When I went to Torani’s website to cite it for this post I was shocked at all the flavors of syrups they offer!  I only went with basic chocolate ganache ice cream flavored with plain vanilla syrup, this time, to try the recipe out.  Now, I’m excited at the infinite possibilities ahead!
Classic Chocolate Milkshake {adapted/copied from a recipe in Food Network Magazine: Almost Famous Milkshakes}
About 24 fluid oz. chocolate ganache ice cream (I used Private Selection)
5 fluid oz. condensed milk
1/3 c. vanilla syrup (I used Torani)
1 c. whipping cream
2 Tbsp. sugar
white chocolate sauce for drizzling (optional, I used Torani)
Scoop about 24 oz. worth of ice cream into a freezer-safe bowl or plate.  Place into freezer for at least 20 minutes to re-solidify.  Meanwhile, pour whipping cream and sugar into the bowl of a stand mixer and whip until stiff peaks form (about 5 minutes). Take care not to over mix.
In a blender combine the condensed milk, vanilla syrup, and half of the hardened ice cream scoops. Blend until smooth.  Add the rest of the ice cream and blend until smooth once more.

Pour into glasses.  Top with whip cream and drizzle with chocolate sauce.  EAT and DRINK!!!  



  1. They are fun to experiment with!

  2. Gorgeous milkshake, and look at that whip cream on top together with the chocolate sauce drizzle!

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