A Week in Pictures From Julie’s Jazz {Sept. 15th. to Sept. 21st.}

Sam asked his girlfriend to Homecoming.  In response she filled a blue jack-o-lantern bucket with wrapped fortune cookies.  Her answer was hidden in one of the cookies.  I thought it was a very clever idea!


She wrote the note freehand!

This came in the mail last week.  It only took  me 20 years to finish!  I will hang it on our office wall. Then later, when I’m dead, it will make for excellent obituary fodder!7-14-12s-18

In the process of making Pumpkin Cake Doughnut French Toast.  The sky is grey and people are going to stop mowing their grass very soon. It is definitely pumpkin time!7-14-12s-19It was another sparse photo week.  For some reason I thought I had more, but when I went through my collection from last week there just wasn’t much there.

Our antelope hunt starts tomorrow.  I don’t know how to feel about it.  I’m not scared, or sad, or nervous, or excited.  I am really looking forward to spending the entire day with Ben (without computers or work).  It will be just Ben, me, hot black coffee in paper gas-station cups, and the wide, grey, Idaho sky threatening early snowfall.