About me, what about me? Um, well let’s see. After a year and a half of keeping up with this blog I finally decided that I really should post a little blurb about myself, and why I keep showing back up here. I was never going to do this because I never wanted the blog to be about me. I just wanted it to showcase the food I love and the food I love to prepare. I recently realized that when I find a new blog I really like, one of the first things I do is look for information about the author. I want to know why they decided to get into blogging, if they have a career and family (besides their blog), what inspires them, if it is a food blog: are they a professional in the food business? Part of my curiosity is shear curiosity; the other part is that I find I compare myself to them. Not in the sense like I am trying to figure out if I am a better human being or not. But like, this person does this, and this, and this and they also do this, maybe I can do that too. That person went to culinary arts school in their 50’s, maybe it is not too late for me. That person posts twice a day, maybe I can at least post once a week. This person is so over the top creative and look he/she has a family and career as well, maybe I can do this or that too.
Anyway, so about me. I am a married to my best friend! I know that everybody says that, but they just say it. I really mean it! This guy is my most favorite human being in the universe! I have two really cool children of the male variety as well. They are fourteen and two, “we wanted them to get along.” We live in South-East Idaho. I have lived here most of my life. I love Idaho, but would not mind having a winter retreat to escape to someday.
I am a radiological control technician who works at a national nuclear research laboratory.
I have no formal training when it comes to cooking. I would love to go to culinary arts school; it is one of my goals in life. I do not want to be a restaurant chef. I just want to know everything in the world there is to know about food. I am a wannabe farmer and rancher. I want to move to the country and get really dirty. I want to milk goats and make cheese. Cheese is my favorite food. My fourteen year old calls me “big mouse.” Last year I got my hunting license and plan to hunt deer, elk, and possibly antelope, this fall. I plan to eventually self-publish a cook book with the recipes I come up with for this blog.
I also love to, look at and, take photos of food. Like cooking, I have no formal training in photography. Before November 2010 I was using a Sony Cyber shot (point-and-shoot). Since then I have been using a Cannon Rebel T2i. I am still “very much” a novice. I have a lot to learn and this camera suits me very well right now.
So there you go. Thanks for stopping by!