Birthday Bliss

Yesterday was my birthday, I turned 36.  To celebrate, for breakfast, I made myself a peanut butter and Nutella sandwich on white bread.  It was incredible!  I did not measure any of my ingredients (for calorie content), but just by gauging it with my eyes I bet that sandwich contained ~800 calories.  But it was my birthday, and I took the day off from healthy eating!  FYI, I also weighed myself when I woke up yesterday (before I ate the sandwich).  I know that I said that I was only going to weigh myself on the first day of every month but I started to get curious especially since we were heading into a cheat weekend.  Also on every birthday I have had for about the last 10 years I have made myself a promise to lose weight.  It would always go something like this, “Next year I will be 130 by age 30.” After that it was 131 by age 31, and so on.  This was the first year I would have been disappointed to be 136!  So anyway, I weighed in at 126, yay!  Now you don’t have to worry any more that I was on my way back up after the 132 lb. weigh in on September 1st. I am still fighting! I promise I will not talk about my weight again until October 1st. We also went out for Mexican food last night for my birthday.  It was super good! I will be posting about it soon.


  1. Bluemel's says:

    oozing deliciousness! Happy yesterday Birthday!! Glad you had a good day 🙂 I sure enjoyed visiting with you last week!

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