Listen, these waffles are healthy! But, they’re not low fat or low calorie! So here’s where that whole moderation thing comes in.
This is how it works. See that stack of three waffle sandwiches in the photos? I had one of them, and, I scraped 3/4 of the cashew butter and jam off mine. So basically I ate 1/2 of a large waffle with ~ 1 Tbsp. each of the fruit spread and cashew butter.
On the other hand, my nearly 6 foot tall 140 lb. 17 year old can eat as many of these as he wants and I feel good about it cause the ingredients are whole and wholesome. He won’t eat more than one or two though because he doesn’t have food issues. He eats til he’s satisfied and then he moves on with life. 
I, on the other hand, will eat one and not be able to stop thinking about how unbelievably amazing it tasted! I will have to tell myself, “You don’t need 2 or 10! You only need 1. You can always have another one tomorrow! You will feel sick if you eat more than 1! Now go have some green tea and move along with your life!”

So you’re probably like, “Jeez!Then why did she pile on all that gooey sweet nut butter and jam?” Cause it looks cool and yummy! That’s why I did it! Who want’s to see a photo of plain waffles that have the correct serving size of condiments on them? Not me! I want oozing, melting, gooey, and sticky to gawk at! These Butternut Squash Waffles with Cashew Butter and Blackberry Chia Jelly are good. Make them, eat them, over do it, or don’t over do it, whatever, just be happy!

Butternut Squash Waffles with Cashew Butter and Blackberry Chia Jelly
for the puree:
roasted butternut squash
1/4 cup plain almond milk
1Tbsp. cashew butter
pumpkin pie spice
for the batter:
1 & ½ cup quinoa flour
baking powder
2Tbsp. agave
of Kosher salt
1 & ½ cup plain almond milk
egg whites
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (I used PlantFusion vanilla bean)
Cooking Spray
cashew butter to top waffles
optional, I used: (Artisana Organic Cashew Butter
blackberry chia fruit spread to top waffles
optional, I used: World of Chia Blackberry Fruit Spread
Preheat your waffle iron.
In a food processor combine the squash, 2 oz. of almond milk, 1 Tbsp. cashew butter, the pumpkin pie spice, and vanilla. Process until smooth.
In a medium mixing bowl beat the egg whites until soft peak form. Set aside.
In a large mixing bowl combine the quinoa flour, the baking powder, the agave, 12 oz. of almond milk, and the protein powder, and the squash puree. Mix all ingredients until well combined.
Fold/stir the egg whites into the batter.
Spray both sides of your waffle iron with the cooking spray.
With a ladle or pour ~ ½ to ¾ cup batter onto the iron. Cook for ~ 2 to 3 minutes.
All waffle irons are different. You will need to adjust your batter amount and cooking time according to your own waffle iron.
Remove waffle from iron, top with desired spreads or syrups, EAT!!!
Adapted from 17 Apart.
Makes ~5 whole waffles.
