Coffee Corner




When you are in the process of trying to eat healthy and cut out certain items in your diet that you are used to eating (like 10,000 grams of sugar per day), sometimes you miss each and every one of those grams of sugar and you become cranky.


At these particular times I find that even the smallest of indulgences are helpful to keep your mind off cupcakes filled with raw cookie dough.  Just a something little to look forward to.


For this something, Ben and I have been turning to our coffee corner, hosted by BUNN and Keurig.  Now our BUNN is our workhorse, our everyday “get it done” coffee maker.  But the Keurig is something else entirely.  Together with each of its tiny little white cups of love, the Keurig has been a life saver.  The process of choosing a delicious flavor and then brewing an individual cup transports you directly into a Folgers Christmas commercial.  I feel like a distant relative could come through the front door at any moment and share a cup with me.  At that moment I don’t need a heaping bowl of Ben and Jerry’s: “Everything but the….” over a warm brownie, drizzled with caramel sauce.  I just need a cup of caramel drizzle coffee brewed in my Keurig coffee maker!


This coffee maker was a Christmas gift, for which, I would like to say Thank You Very Much!