I visited my parents last week and one of their neighbors homes is dressed to the 9’s for Halloween! It’s funny because my dad took photos of this house too and posted them on Facebook.
I guess it’s kid week at Julie’s Jazz. Will always gets in my way and wants his photo taken when I’m taking food pics.Close enough?
He’s been climbing this cat tower since he could crawl. I wonder if he’ll still climb it when he’s 30? Can you picture a 30 year old man perched on this cat tower?
Sam the senior. I hardly ever get the opportunity to take photos of him. He’s a busy kid!
It’s almost Halloween! This year I decided to put my Halloween lights within reach of Will. He would get to them sooner or later.
This way I don’t have to worry about him falling from anywhere in order to get to them!
All these photos were shot between 10-13-14 and 10-19-14.