Sam turned 18 on Saturday! He celebrated by getting a tattoo. I had mixed feelings at first.
But, I’m fine with it now. The artist that gave Sam the tattoo did a great job!
The Bleeding Cowboy (the tattoo place), had a great atmosphere and all the people there were super professional and nice.
Ben, Will, and I were all there for moral support.
Sam didn’t even flinch!
We asked Will if he wanted a tattoo. He yelled, “Noooooo!!!!!”
I wonder if the beds are actually massage beds?
Sterile operation.
Vibrant colors!
Will got bored.
Cool old wooden steps.
I never imagined this scene at any point during the last 18 years. Me, hanging out in a tattoo parlor, with the three loves of my life. But when the four of us are together, out of our element, it’s always good.
Happy Birthday Sam!