figure competition prep. my daily journal

I used to read Shape magazine.

It had a section in for reader success stories. 

Each story included the diet and workout schedule of the featured individual.

The diet was always super typical. Grilled chicken breast, vegetables, and water. I don’t believe I ever read a single success story article that didn’t mention chicken breast!

But, their workout schedules just seemed impossible to me back then!

They would say that they did weight training 30 to 60 minutes 4 days per week and cardio 30 minutes 5 to 6 days per week. 

I would read that and think those people were super human. That they had something extra, psychologically, that I didn’t. 

Now I work out every day. Some days twice. And I want to do more. 

The difference between now and then is that somewhere along the way I learned to love it and it became a hobby instead of a chore. That’s what I was missing.