figure competition prep. my daily journal

When I was in my teens and early twenties I would get a little excited when I would get sick with flu like symptoms.

Symptoms like fever, chills, muscle aches, headaches, and fatigue.

I never wanted to have food poisoning type symptoms (because they are gross and super uncomfortable)!

I never wanted a head cold or sinus infection because those didn’t suppress my appetite. 

But a fever, followed by some body aches and chills would murder my appetite! Then, all I had to do was take a mega dose of ibuprofen and sleep. After a couple of days I felt better and would be down 5 or 10 lbs. Back then I didn’t understand fat loss vs weight loss.

The flu was a great diet kickstarter! 

Of course, when I felt better I’d suddenly be starving! I deserved to eat whatever I wanted because I hadn’t eaten in 2-3 days. Within 48 hours I’d be back to my pre-flu weight. 

Now, even one sniffle, will send me running for the medicine cabinet so I can effectively overdose on vitamin C, zinc, Mucinex, and whatever else Google and Pinterest recommend I gulp down with “plenty of fluids!” 

I wouldn’t want to miss even one day of training!