figure competition prep. my daily journal

{Maple Glazed Doughnut One Bar}

Weighed in at 132.5 lbs. today. 

I was at Fred Meyer the other day standing in the protein bar isle. I was just standing there scanning all the bars. There was a woman standing next to me doing the same thing. I looked over at her, smiled, and said,”This is ridiculous! I’m standing here scanning these shelves for something out of this world! I’m looking for the protein bar of all protein bars! A 100 calorie bar with 50g of protein, 1 carbohydrate, 1g of fat and tastes like a gooey brownie studded with melted mini Reese’s peanut butter cups!”

She laughed and said, “Me too!”

I do this every time I go to a store that sells food. I do it at Walmart, Walgreens, Fred Meyer, Target, Albertsons, Smiths, Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Natural Grocers, Wealth of Health, GNC, and (any gas station I ever go into)!

I feel sorry for Ben. He’s got me figured out though. Whenever we go grocery shopping he is able to get everything he/we need for the entire week before I’ve finished in the protein bar isle! He’s always been extremely kind when it comes to my food shopping habits. He knows I have a screw loose over protein bars, yogurt, and healthy snack items (like Somersaults, mixed nuts, and dried fruit).

Even though I’ve been down these isles hundreds of times I’m always looking for something new. And every once in awhile, low and behold, there will be something new!

Like today! When I came across this new Maple Glazed Doughnut Oh Yeah! One Bar.

OMG! Yum! If you come across them, buy one (or 10) and eat it/them!


  1. Woody says:

    Remember when I brought a dozen maple bars home about every Friday while you kids were growing up? I can still smell them and remember that first bite.

    1. Juliana says:

      You did love maple bars! There’s nothing like the smell of fresh doughnuts!

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