Friday Fun

Friday Fun2

Do you have all your Thanksgiving recipes gathered?  Want to try something new for a change? Here are 10 new fabulous ways to dress up, or change up,  your Thanksgiving mashed potatoes.


This Colcannon. Is it possible to notice anything else on the table?

These Pierogi-Stuffed Shells. Carb paradise!

These Home-Style Mashed Potatoes. Traditional, Heavenly!

This Mozzarella & Potato Pie. What else do you even need?

This Loaded Mashed Potato Casserole. A masterpiece!

These Mashed Potato Puffs. Savory pillows of Love!

These Perfect Browned Butter Garlic Herb Mashed Potatoes – no gravy needed! Decadent!

The Best Damn Vegan Mashed Potatoes. Vegan Buttery Goodness!

The Best Secret Ingredient Mashed Potatoes. Fluffy!

These Slow Cooker Garlic Mashed Potatoes. So super easy!


This calorie bomb burrito isn’t a surprise to me. But, it still bums me out.


My baby brother was interviewed by our Local News 8 for his business in gun safety and concern for the Syrian refugee crisis. Check out his fabulous website and a video of the report!

Attacks in Paris, Aftermath Photos.

Super Cool Milk Froth Trick. I literally drink lattes specifically for the frothy top!

Have a great weekend!