Our 2.5 year old has had a touch of tummy trouble lately. Dr’s orders: Feed him fiber, lots of fiber! I don’t know if you have ever read the label on a box of Fiber One but it has 14 grams of fiber per 1/2 cup serving. I think I read somewhere that an adult human is suppose to try to consume somewhere around 25 to 35 grams per day. Not a difficult task if you are filling up on Fiber One!
Anyway, we were having a hard time getting him to eat the Fiber One. Then Ben came up with this little trick and “voila” dietary success! Thanks, General Mills!
P.S. Judge away! Until you have one as picky and hot headed as this one you can’t possibly understand!
P.P.S. The lashes. Ya, I know, it’s not fair at all!
In a few days he will get wise and only start eating the choco cereal….
are we talking about constipation? cause makinze had the same problem for a long time and we do the miralax and it works wonders. best part? she doesn’t even know it’s in her strawberry milk.
Ah yes, he gets the miralax as well! And he gets it in his milk too. Bosom cousins I tell ya!