My Mom visited SPAM and brought back SPAM!
Will is OK with not having the crust cut off his PB’s.
Went to Boise with Ben for an IDLA (Idaho Digital Learning Academy) conference. Had a great view at the Grove Hotel.
My first visit to Trader Joe’s! LOVE!
Will posing while I was trying to take food photos.
Throwing rocks at Rigby Lake while Ben trains for the Rigby Lake Triathlon.
Sea lions at Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City, UT. (In SLC to pick up Sam at the airport. He’s not in any photos cause he spent most of June in Europe!)
Ben’s second book available on Amazon!!!!! (Review to come!)
Group Power instructor training in Casper, WY. I LOVE GROUP POWER!!!
Julie: you are a buzz saw taking down a forest. Do you ever find time to kick back and relax?
Not very often! But, July and August should be better:)