Lest I Forget (And when it comes to my weight, I never forget!)

November 1, 2012 weigh in.  Not too shabby considering the night before was Halloween and we took it off.  And we had to take it off, because of all the candy.  I am always late posting this information because the days, weeks, and months just go by way too fast!
So, there it is, 130 lbs.  Maybe 130 lbs is my destiny weight.

Remember this post  (Ben hates that post because of my ugly feet) from August when I introduced my new running partner? Dallas has matured a bit since then and I wanted to share just how much he has grown.  He is just about 6 months old now and he is already bigger than Charley! We were a little worried about how fast he was growing but the vet said that it is not too much too fast and his weight is being properly supported.  We have even got him out running a little.  He is extremely mild mannered and is a perfect compliment to Charley (our anxious shepherd).

I was looking over that old post of my feet and Dallas and remembered a funny story Ben told me.  Ben is a secondary education teacher, and teaches part time in an online lab at one of our local high schools.  One day he was bragging about my blog to one of the other teachers he works with.  She wanted to see it so he pulled it up on his computer at work and there was my mangled, black-toe-nailed foot staring back.  I am sure she was like, “So this is a food blog, huh?” “Um, it’s very nice.”  He was a little embarrassed, which is another reason he probably hated that post.

Oh look, I am wearing the exact same clothes in this post that I was wearing in the other post!  I believe I might just be the worlds most unfashionable girl!  If I had a passel of superficial friends they would, for sure, submit an application, on my behalf, to appear on “What Not To Wear.”

In case you are new to this blog and don’t feel like sifting through all of my old posts to see what exactly I am doing to maintain this weight, I will tell you what I am doing to maintain it right now.
In a nutshell:
– I am eating between 1400 and 1800 calories per day.
-I am running/jogging ~ 12 miles per week (every day I have off I run at least 3.5 miles).
-I take off 4 to 5 days per month from my diet. On those days I don’t count calories and I literally eat whatever I want!
I have been working a lot lately so I have not been running as much as I would like, and I have not been staying on my 1200 calorie-per- day regimen.  These are the main two reasons I have not maintained the 125 lbs. I had originally wanted to.  But I feel good so I am not going to worry too much about it.
I have a lot of 2013 goals; I will share in December, which will get and keep me on track for the New Year!
Thanksgiving is the day after tomorrow. And I am taking it off, because of all the turkey and pie!


  1. Bluemel's says:

    I’m glad I stalk you enough to find this post. So do you set goals? Do you write them down? Is it once a month? Also, do you do waist measurements and count inches as well as lbs? I am still on the Ben and Julie plan and doing pretty well! I’m down about 22 lbs, and left the 200’s last week!! A huge milestone that I never want to see again 🙂 I’m excited for your December post, and I’ll probably be home for Christmas, so I’ll be in touch for a confidence session 😉 you are amazing and well done!!! You look terrific.

  2. Floor Time says:

    Yes, I set goals. I kind of use this blog to document them and keep myself in check and on track. I have been meaning to organize my weightloss and fitness stuff a little better on this blog. It is just a matter of finding the time. I don’t take measurements just because it is so much easier and faster to step on the scale for results. In my December post I will be setting goals and hopefully get a little more organized. Congratulations on your weightloss! Can’t wait to see you in December!

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