After I teach an indoor cycling class and everyone goes home I stay behind and pick-up a little. I turn my music down and walk around the room to turn off fans. I love empty fitness studios. They’re peaceful. Saturday is the only day each week that I workout early (if you consider 8:30 early)….
Friday Night Fights! On Friday nights Ben and I spar 12 rounds in our basement. It’s my favorite workout of all time! It’s also one of the most difficult workouts I’ve ever done. I look forward to and get nervous for it every week! It’s over for the week now. But we still have Saturday…
I know I said I wasn’t concerned with my weight. But, I can’t check my body fat every single day or even every week. My goal is to lose ~1 lb. of fat per week. It’s a slow meticulous game. Trying to build muscle and keep it on while trying to take fat off. Weighed…
figure competition prep. my daily journal
My brother recently bought a house. It has two full sized kitchens! If I lived in his house I would turn the entire basement into a GYM! And the basement kitchen would be like a mini health food/supplement store. I would line the cupboards with protein powders and bars. The counter tops would be littered…
figure competition prep. my daily journal
I’m in a habit changing frame of mind right now so this year’s bowl of leftover Halloween candy isn’t bothering me. But, last year I even tried putting the candy in the freezer. Sort of like an outta sight outta mind type of thing, and I hate cold chocolate. It didn’t work. In fact, it…
figure competition prep. my daily journal
Last Halloween I spent the evening handing out candy while Ben took Will around trick-or-treating. In the midst of the chaos of my doorbell ringing, my dogs barking, and hoards of random children running to and from my front door I was able to gobble up at least 30 snack sized candy bars! But, Halloween…