Friday Fun

FOOD This Burrata Breakfast Pizza. Dreamy! This Heirloom Tomato, Avocado and Burrata Salad on Grilled Garlic Toast. So Super Fresh! This Grilled Caprese Toast with Burrata Cheese + Grilled Avocados. Toasty! This Beet, Peach, and Burrata Salad with Basil Oil and Candied Pistachios. Decadent! This Garlic and Herb Roasted Cherry Tomato Carbonara w/Crispy Prosciutto +…

Apple Athletic Club Review

 Ben and I took a short road trip at the end of January. Whenever we go out of town we explore our workout options as soon as we get to where we are going. We’ll check out the fitness options at the hotel we’re staying at. If the options are sad we’ll see what our destination…

Everyday Life at Julie’s Jazz

1.) View from White Rock Overlook in White Rock, New Mexico. 2.) Ben and Will at White Rock Overlook. 3.) Cacti and the Rio Grande at White Rock Overlook. 4.) View from White Rock Overlook in White Rock, New Mexico. 5.) Ben at White Rock Overlook. 6.) The Rio Grande view from White Rock Overlook…

Maple Prosciutto Breakfast Salad

When Will was younger he would sleep in on the weekends, sometimes until 11. During that time Ben and I would relax, drink coffee, and catch up on things like blogs and news. Now Will wakes up around 7 almost every day.  On Sundays, Ben always gets up with him and lets me sleep in….

Friday Fun

I took this photo at a little Mexican restaurant while on a road trip a few weeks ago. It was an interesting little piece of wall art. I’m soooooo……… ready for summer! I realize we still have to get through spring first but I can still dream about fresh (in season) Meyer Lemons if I…

Friday Fun

  Happy Friday! Spud Skins are one of those game day appetizers I forget about until I see them on a restaurant menu or they happen to be sitting in front of my face at a party. But, I really dig them! Here are some super unique recipes for them I would love to try!…