{k-cup drawer} I have an odd sense of satisfaction when my k-cup drawer is full. Here’s how IIFYM works. (If It Fits Your Macros) To make it simple let’s say I’m a 100 lb. person with 22% body fat. I want to lower my body fat and I don’t workout (hypothetical, of course). To lose…
figure competition prep. my daily journal
I know I’ve talked about carb cycling, macros, and calories. But, I’ve never talked about the foods I eat and why I eat what I eat. In order to build muscle you have to eat carbs, protein, and fat. Recommended ratios differ from expert to expert and client to client. For me to lose fat,…
figure competition prep. my daily journal
{taught indoor cycling today} 16 weeks out (from today)! Since I’m not going to start my cut for another 4 weeks (or so) I’ve decided I’m going to pour my heart and soul into 3 areas over the next 4 weeks. 1.) Coming up with a super clean eating plan for my cut. I’m going…
figure competition prep. my daily journal
It was a busy day! Worked out with Scarlet at 11:30am. *Weighed in at 133 lbs. Scarlet wants me to build for a few more weeks. As far as I know I’m still sitting at 17% body fat. This business of building muscle and losing fat is super tricky! If I start cutting now, I…
figure competition prep. my daily journal
If you look at my food journal entries you’ll notice that I eat A LOT of protein bars! I eat about 2 a day and sometimes 3. So far it’s been fine. I’ve consistently got the results I want from my diet. But in about 4 weeks my diet is going to become a little…
figure competition prep. my daily journal
{abs} Do you have a favorite body part to work? Do you have a part you hate to work? I love to workout my abs, my shoulders, and my back. It’s because I’ve seen the most development in these areas. I like working my glutes, and my hamstrings the least. I know I’ve made progress…