I’m staring at photographs of these muffins and I’m thinking about shrimp and how long it has been since I’ve eaten shrimp.
And, just now, I remembered that I post links on Friday’s, not stories about muffins. Someday I’ll get my head screwed on straight!
A long time ago, at the age of 18, I got married. I don’t recommend this type of thing (getting married so young). But, we did get a really cool kid out of the deal! Nearly 20 years have gone by since then but I still remember a couple of really inventive wedding gifts I got from some wary, thoughtful people.
One gift in particular stands out in my mind. It consisted of two jumbo muffin tins and an industrial sized box of Bisquick muffin mix from an incredibly conscientious woman named Carol.
I’d never seen jumbo muffin tins before. I was completely enthralled with them. I couldn’t stop thinking of all the cool things I’d make in them. No thoughts or concerns about making a marriage work or last. Just dreams of giant chocolate chocolate chip muffins. That’s how my 18 year old mind worked.
At age 38 I can still waste an entire morning pondering the nutritional properties of nut butters. But, I like to think I’ve also grown as thoughtful human being that is mindful of the people she is surrounded by and loves dearly!
Peanut Butter Honey Cacao and Oat Muffins
My little muffin man, Will, who wouldn’t dream of eating one of these muffins even if I told him they tasted exactly like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups!
These muffins will definitely be making an appearance in my kitchen.. love the combination of peanut butter, honney and cocoa!
Yo’re a sweetheart Thalia. Thanks for stopping by!