I spent this entire holiday season pretty relaxed. Besides the cookie swap, I didn’t bake or cook anything specifically for the holidays. The more I think about it the more I believe I needed that.
I think I needed to decompress and not think about food, parties, or entertaining.
We did set up a little tree and a few strings of lights. We even managed to get out and get Sam and Will a few things. Ben worked a lot over the holidays so Will and I spent a lot of time together. It was nice. Sam was in and out but we got more time together than we usually do.
I didn’t make any resolutions. I just want to end 2015 with a better sense of overall wellness (mental, physical, and financial) than I did in 2014.
This recipe is in line with my 2015 outlook. I happened to have all the ingredients for it in my fridge and pantry so I didn’t have to go to the store for anything specific for it.
Pasta and salty sauce are extremely comforting to me so this was good for me mentally. It was relatively good for my body. And, it also helped me mentally by knowing it was good for my body.
If you’re sensitive to salt, feel free to use low sodium ingredients or cut the amount of soy sauce in half and replace it with with water or vegetable stock.

Smoked Salmon Steamed Broccoli and Rice Fettuccine
- 3.5 cups 298 g raw broccoli florets
- 4 oz. rice fettuccine cooked according to package directions
- 4 oz. smoked salmon roughly chopped
- ¼ cup 63 g soy sauce
- 2 tsp. 8 g sesame oil
- 1 Tbsp. 21 g hoisin sauce
- 1 ½ Tbsp. 31 g fish sauce
In a microwave safe dish steam the broccoli on high heat for 5 to 6 minutes.
*Boil the rice noodles according to package directions.
In a large mixing bowl combine the broccoli, salmon, and rice fettuccine.
In a small jar combine the soy sauce, sesame oil, hoisin sauce, and fish sauce.
Shake the jar vigorously.
Pour the contents of the jar over the noodles, broccoli, and salmon.
Toss until everything is evenly coated.
Serve and EAT!!!