Taking “Days Off” from a Healthy Lifestyle


If you fall dust yourself off and start all over again - MotiveWeight


My 4th week ends tomorrow and this is the data from my 3rd week.  The food lifestyle I lead during the week is working for me.  But, every weekend I throw it all away on food hiatuses. Therefore no real progress has been made.

I’ve decided to draw this project out 4 more weeks because I don’t think I can show the progress I want to in only 4, especially since I didn’t get to where I wanted to get in July. I’m not going take any “days off” over the next 8 weeks or maybe ever again!

July 20th - July 26th weight chart

A chart of my weight for July 20th to July 26th. (Starting weight for the week = 155 lbs. , Final weight = 147.2 lbs.)

June 20th - July 26th body fat chart

A chart of my body fat for July 20th to July 26th. (Starting body fat % for the week = 31.7% , Final body fat % = 34.1%)

July 20th - July 26th BMI chart

A chart of my BMI for July 20th to July 26th. (Starting BMI for the week = 26.5, Final BMI = 25)

July 20th - July 26th steps-floors-miles-calories burned

A chart of my overall calories burned, miles traveled, floors climbed, and steps taken for July 20th to July 26th.

Click on the following link for a complete list of the food I ate and calorie totals.

WHAT I ATE {July 20th-July 26th}

Hope You’re Having a Healthy Weekend!